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From 1 Custom Flag, Custom Printed Tent or Street Pole Banner to 5000. We'll make sure you're completely satisfied, you have the highest quality flags, custom tents & banners and that ordering is easy!
Also, we'll return your email or call in minutes not days (Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4:30pm EST)
But don't take our word for it, click on the customer testimonial button below to see what some of our over 50,000 customers have to say about their custom made flags, custom canopies & custom logo flags.
NorthStar Flags is the premiere custom flag maker in the United States. All our custom made flags are made from the highest quality materials on the market today. Using the best materials ensures each and every custom flag from NorthStar exceeds the highest standards of any custom flag manufacturer in the world. Our personalized flags and custom printed flags allows you to be as creative as you want without worrying about the cost. This is because you can use an unlimited amount of colors on all of our custom flags.
As a custom flag maker we pride ourselves on making the order process as easy as possible for all of our custom flag customers and well as customers that are calling for some of our over 15,000 stock products such as flagpoles, flag pole accessories, flag pole parts or flag pole hardware. We want to make sure that when you order custom flags from NorthStar that all of your questions have been answered and that before all personalized flags that leave our facilities they are made exactly the way you want. When you put your custom printed flags on your flag pole we want to make sure your impressed.
Looking at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City and the presence of a multitude of flags representing the various member nations is a spectacle to behold. But, it gives us time to ponder why flags can represent a country so effectively. It is as if the country, the population and its history are all embodied in its flag.
The brotherhood of nations as emblazoned in the charter of the UN and represented by custom flags of each country, have made a a lot of strides to prevent wars, poverty, hunger, oppression and attain a lasting peace. The groupings of these flags together have generated unity, equal opportunities, the right to be heard and freedom for each member nation.